About us

The website is owned, edited and published by veteran journalist Mark McSherry, who is based in Scotland and Brooklyn, NY.

McSherry has decades of experience as an editor, publisher and reporter, having previously worked for Reuters, Bloomberg, Forbes, London Evening Standard, The Independent, London Sunday Times, The Scotsman and the South China Morning Post.

McSherry has worked in Dublin, Frankfurt, London, New York, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Newcastle, Hong Kong and Auckland.

His journalism has also appeared in The Guardian, The New York Times and The Washington Post.

A part-time professor of journalism and communication arts, McSherry gained an MBA at the University of Edinburgh and graduated in Global Affairs in the International Programs at NYU’s School of Continuing and Professional Studies. He completed his MBA thesis on The Marketing Of Investment Trust Companies (closed end mutual funds).

The quickest way to contact Mark McSherry is via mcsherry.editor@gmail.com