The borrowing authorisation of the European Investment Bank (EIB) for 2025 has been set up at up to €65 billion.
Owned by the 27 Member States of the European Union (EU), the European Investment Bank (EIB) is the EU’s long-term lending institution.
The EIB is financially autonomous and raises long-term funds through bond issuance in the international capital markets to meet its lending needs.
“For 2025, the EIB’s global borrowing authorisation is set at up to €65 billion, reflecting EIB’s borrowing needs to achieve the institution’s operational targets,” said the EIB.
“The Bank’s funding strategy is balanced to respond to market demand, while maintaining a strategic presence.
“The strategy is supported by EIB’s excellent AAA credit rating, while EIB’s bonds are considered Level 1 HQLA (High Quality Liquid Assets) for LCR (Liquidity Coverage Ratio) calculation under the Basel framework.
“The EIB’s funding strategy relies on issuing large liquid benchmark transactions in major currencies, complemented by targeted issuances offering, diversification of currencies and markets, as well as a strong focus of sustainability funding.
“The issuing activities of the EIB are under the responsibility of the Finance Directorate of the EIB, which includes the Capital Markets and the Treasury Departments.”
The EIB added: “The EIB estimates its new issuance for next year at EUR 60 billion. At its December 2024 meeting, the EIB Board of Directors approved a borrowing authorization of up to EUR 65 billion, allowing for upside flexibility.
“Bond redemptions for 2025 are foreseen at EUR 62.8 billion.
“In 2024, the EIB raised EUR 63.4 billion, while the redemptions amounted to EUR 61.7 billion.”